5 Tips for College Success

Are you going off to college in the next couple of weeks? Here’s a list of things you can do to get ready:

1. Resources Cheat Sheet

Create a cheat sheet of resources at your school. Resources could include the writing center, counseling center, RA, dorm information, career and academic guidance departments.

2. Virtual Roommate Meetup

Do a virtual meet up with your roommate(s). If you have been told who your roommates are, plan some virtual meetups with them in order to get to know them before you’re living together. It’s a good idea to set up some ground rules and boundaries ahead of time, like discussing preferred times you like going to bed, what your general schedules look like, and how comfortable you feel with having guests (or overnight guests) in the room.

3. Creating Organizational Systems

Create a system to stay organized with your class work. Using google docs with links to your classes and schedules is a great way to start and then build from there. Here is a free downloadable resource you can put onto your google drive and begin getting organized with your classes and college in general.

4. Practice Using a Calendar

This may sound obvious, but so many college students go into college without ever using a calendar before. In order to keep track of your life, it is so important to be able to use a calendar. Using a calendar will help you feel overall less stressed about what you need to do on a daily basis and will help free up brain-space so you don’t need to constantly remember what you have to do that day. It will also help you not forget appointments, meetings, or social obligations!

5. Go in with a Strong Support System

Know who your support system is and make sure that’s in place before you go. This includes a therapist and psychiatrist licensed in the state you’re going to college in and any executive functioning help you may need.

Going to college in NY, NJ, CT or FL and want extra support? Contact us to learn about how we specifically support college students! We currently offer individual therapy to college students as well as an interpersonal process group for college students.


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